Wednesday, November 10, 2010

MySpace's Last Diss

A few days ago, MySpace took it upon themselves to completey change the format of the site yet AGAIN. The homepage had already been changed over five times THIS year. But, this particular change was so messy and incoherent, that you cannot even navigate around it! It's just a grey, black and white mononotonous two-column MESS. They don't even show the pictures of the users anymore. I had set my MySpace IM to OFF a long time ago and they returned it to my homepage without my permission and with no way for me to change it! Now, no matter WHERE you go on MySpace, there are these two dark grey bars on top and on the bottom of the page which act as complete eyesores to the whole site! I thought I could take off some steam by blogging, but when I saw what had happened to my beautiful blog, that was the last straw. They completely took away the design I had given it and made it plain-looking and white like everyone else's AND they took away the privacy settings!
The truth is that I LIKED MySpace! I liked MySpace even when everyone else was bitching about how much it sucks and moving on to Facebook. And MySpace definitely had a large fan base. Not as large as Facebook's, but the current Facebookers are trend followers. They would change their loyalties over social networking sites quite quickly, so it doesn't matter what they think.
MySpace should've have stayed the same for their current fans instead of pissing us off and changing everything for the new users who will never switch over to that site. But, I forgot that Papa Tom isn't the boss of MySpace anymore. Now, it's in the grubby hands of some nameless (well, they do have a name...they just don't deserve one), sexless corporation.
The FAQ answers for all that was going on were completely dismissive and totally rude. Here are some examples:

Can I go back to my old Home page?

Hey, we understand new things can take some time to get used to, but we’ve worked hard to make the Home page simpler and faster. The new Myspace Home page is based on feedback from you, our users, and is all about making it easier to keep in touch with your friends, and to see what is going on without having to jump all over the place. You can view by list or grid view, or try the play view () for an awesome way to see all the videos in your stream. Update your feed by following people or pages, and see what matters to you every time you log in.

We’re sorry if this doesn’t feel right to you just yet. But play around with the new features, and we think you will be pleasantly surprised!

(Yeah, the only feature I feel like "playing around with" now is the "Cancel Account" button.)

Why can't I use Profile 1.0 or 2.0?

If you are seeing the new Myspace, you can't use Profile 1.0 or 2.0 anymore. This is the default profile for new users going forward, and offers the most advanced design and privacy functions.

The older profile types are no longer available, though you will find all of the advanced privacy options from Profile 2.0, as well as a great new set of customization tools, in the new profile.

Navigation has been simplified, your Home page is more up-to-date, and our theme gallery makes profile design quick and easy, whether you want to use an existing design or create your own. To learn more about the new Myspace, check out our profile guide. It's never been easier to discover and share what you're into.

(Simplified? I think not. Not too mention it looks fucking HORRIBLE.)

What happened to my Home page theme?We’ve updated your Home page to make it easier for you to discover what’s happening on Myspace. So what exactly has changed?

•Home page themes are gone
•your Home page is now two columns
•My Stuff gives easier access to all your stuff (including events, photos, music, videos, etc.)
Remember, only you see your Home page, but you can customize your profile to your heart’s content to show off your style to friends.

(I really liked my homepage theme. :( )

So you see? MySpace has made it quite loud and clear what they really think of their users. They don't give two shits about us. In fact, I'm sure that the same nameless, sexless corporation which has control of it now is in league with Facebook and is attempting to make MySpace suck SO bad, that everyone will want to switch over to Facebook.
Fortunately, I'm not THAT weak-willed. :) I just had to assess what I missed the most about MySpace: Blogs, Photos, Statuses.
Well, I can't really do statuses here on Blogger. But, then again, I don't have the need to update people of my goings-on EVERY second of the day. Sure, if the feature is ever there, I'll use it. But, I won't panic if it's not. As long as I can blog, I'll be content. ;)
Anyways, here's to the OLD MySpace. The good ol' days when it was simple and user-friendly. When it was "A Place For Friends" and not a monochromatic modern techy nerd mess where people supposedly would go for "news, music and TV". I will miss the old MySpace. But, as time goes on, I'm sure that I'll get used to Blogger, make more friends on here and be content with just blogging. :) That's all I ever really did on MySpace, anyways.
R.I.P MySpace.
And to the stupid fuckface corporation who now owns it....
I hope no one ever wants to use that unholy mess you created ever AGAIN.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Save The Words!

There is this wonderfully nifty new website which I have learned of today! :D
A girl in my Foundation of Linguistics class mentioned it today. It's a website full of "obsolete" words from the English vocabulary and I guess it's somewhat of a movement to not let those words go completely unrecognized. You can "adopt" words and you HAVE to vow to use them everyday!
Like, the word I've adopted is Quibbleism.
It means the act of beating around the bush.
As in, "You're only telling me to be quiet as a quibbleism, mom. You just don't like what I'm saying."
See? It's fun. :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Things I Want To Do Before I DIE

As young as I may still be, Death doesn't wait for ALL people to become fully ripe before he swipes his sickle through our little stems and we go falling to the cold ground from the tree of life. (Yes, quite a dramatic extended metaphor, isn't it? :p) But, I suppose that anybody of any age has things they want to do. Here are my bucket list items:

1.) Marry my soulmate <3

I have already found him. :) I found someone who connect with FULLY on a physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual level. Every aspect of our lives intertwine and mirror each other. We have overcome all kinds of adversities together and we still love each other as much as the first time we fell in love, if not MORE. My dad (not usually a romantic guy) once said that those short 3-6 month relationships where you are deeply in love with the person and that fade after a small while are relationships of infatuation. But, infatuation that lasts forever, is true love. :) I have found true love and my life wouldn't be complete if I didn't celebrate (and consummate ;D) it. May 25, 2013. <3

2.) Skydive

I think that this is an item that almost anyone would have on their list. As cautious as I am most of the time, I am also quite adventurous. :3 As a Capricorn, I am very much an earth element type of person. To go in the sky and face the wind would be a total turnaround to my usual routine! I imagine it's quite liberating, freefalling through the sky high above everyone else.

3.) Scuba Dive

Yet another adventurous item that forces me to face the elements! :D I love the sea and I love all it's creatures, as well. To be able to swim with them and see all her creations clearly would be quite an adventure for me. I wanted to try scuba diving once when I was 13, but my cowardly mother kept stopping me. >:s

4.) Pet a tiger

Funny story about mom always calls me tiger. xD Before, she used to call me "Lily" 'cuz of a silly little story she made up. One day, I got angry (a common thing for me) and she added the "tiger" to it and called me "Tigerlily". She tends to shorten words a LOT (as is part of her culture), so she ended dropping the "lily" and just calling me "Tiger". It just kind of stuck ever since and everyone's been calling me "Tiger" as well and getting me tiger stuff. (I have a whole collection of tigers!) I was always flattered by the nickname, although it was given to me for a very snide reason. Tigers are very majestic creatures and to be counted among one of them would be an honor for me. LOL! If I have enough courage to pet a tiger someday, I'll live up to my nickname. :) Besides, they're kind cute when they're tame. :3

5.) Climb to the top of the San Gabriel Mountains

The San Gabriel mountains are the mountain range that I live in front of. (I literally live at the foot of that mountain.) I've been halfway up through them and have explored them many a time when I was a kid. But, I've never quite hiked up to the peak. It's kind of a symbolic thing for me. If I am able to climb to the top of my own mountains, I prove myself worthy enough to live with nature and to be an earth element child. (You'll find that I'm very much into that. :3 I'm weird, in case you haven't noticed.) Besides, it's good exercise. ;)

6.) Ride a horse bareback

As I have said before and WILL probably continue to say despite how futile it is...I am weird. :p In 2008, when the economic crisis went into full force, I thought society would fall apart and I would have to learn how to be huntress and a gatherer. (Cute, ain't I?) This included the knowledge of plants and their uses, how to make my own hut out of stones and mud and other things and pretty much how to live like the Native Americans used to. Riding a horse was included among those things for some reason. (I guess 'cuz it looked cool and wild in Braveheart?) A lot of my goals involve becoming one with nature and the elements as you can see. I love horses and I think they are so majestic. It would make me feel quite worthy if I were to ride one bareback.

7.) Learn to fly a plane

Planes are so cool. :D I wanted to be in the Air Force for a while because I imagined it would be friggin' awesome to learn how to fly a plane. Well, I never went to the Air Force, but I still want to learn how to fly a plane. :3

8.) Write an epic symphonic metal musical about 16th-century Finland

This idea is SO weird, SO out there, that NO ONE could possibly take it but me. :)
My favorite band ever is Nightwish (a symphonic opera metal band from Finland). All throughout high school and college, I was deeply inspired by their music. Their music was so ethereal and esoteric, yet so relatable that I felt like it should have been in a musical! That's when I spawned the idea! For years and years I worked to figure out WHAT the plot would be. I knew it had to involve everything that Nightwish holds dear. Nature, magic, myth, adventure, a touch of darkness and of course, LOVE. It had to have the things that create amazing movies, like true love that overcomes adversity, jealousy, murders, suicide attempts, travel to far exotic lands, betrayal and of course, epic Viking battles. ;D
It wasn't until a return trip from New Mexico that I started putting the pieces together, coming up with characters and plot devices. Now, I have an outline for the whole story and all the characters for it. Now, I just need to write the script and the music aaaaaaannnnd....pretty much do everything else. :p LOL! Sometimes, we'll try doing a million things to see what our purpose in life was. I see it clearly and this is what I have to do. :) Even if it's just an indie film.

9.) Open my own Latin American coffee shop

I think I've already explained it, but I don't mind explaining it again. :p I am a person who is mostly of Latin American descent. I admire a lot of things about my cultures, but most importantly...I love the coffee. :3 I would like to share my love for that coffee with others. I will explain in more detail now...
At Parapayo (the name of the coffee shop), I will have exotic coffes from ALL the Latin American countries! :D These include: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Puerto Rico, Cuba, The Dominican Republic and of course, Brazil! :D
We will have tropical fruit smoothies made from fresh ingredients like bananas, pineapples, coconuts, mangoes, papayas, acai berries, cupuacu, passionfruit, cashew fruit, milk, honey, cocoa and a bunch of other stuff.
We'll have healthy soups, salads and sangwiches. (Yes, sangwiches. :3)
We'll have awesome Latin American desserts. Brigadeiro, olho de sogra, tres leches cakes, flan and other goodies like that. ^_^
And, we'll of course have seasonal faves like Aztec hot chocolate.
The walls will be painted in bright colors with tons of positive quotes and pictures depicting the beauty of Latin America. :)
It's going to be the cream of the crop for artsy places! I want to hold art galleries for local artists twice a month, open mic night every Friday and concerts every Tuesday with local artists.
I also want to make a brand out my soaps, candles and chocolates and sell them there, too (donating 100% of the proceeds to help the amazin' Amazon Rainforest) and have a few massage chairs there, as well. :D
I was also playing with the idea of having the employees wear indigenous headdresses, but I think that might tick some people off. :/
And most importantly, I will have big flatscreen TVs there every four years to show the World Cup at all hours of the morning or night!! :D
This idea was a result of a combination of a class project (My group and I had to come up with ideas for a campus coffee shop for a Communications Studies class) and a dream (I dreamed that I had a restaurant, not a coffee shop, named Parapayo. xD)

10.) Two words: Nightwish cake! :D

Okay, so you all know that my favorite band is Nightwish...and for great reason, too. :) Just try listening to them! But, the fact is that their genius is so amazing, that they can only come out with an album every once in a blue moon. They produce their music based on quality, not quantity. And, they are taking especially long lately since 1.) They got a new lead singer and 2.) That lead singer got pregnant and needed to take a break from Nightwish for a while. I dunno when they will produce their next album, but WHEN they do, I will celebrate it with a glorious 8-tier cake! :D I'm thinking rolled fondant, colored frosting, sparkles, all the works! I'll make each tier correspond with all their albums: Angels Fall First, Oceanborn, Wishmaster, Over The Hills and Far Away, Century Child, Once, Dark Passion Play and the new album, of course. :p It will be a glorious celebration celebrating my love for Nightwish...and cake. ;3 And I'm sure I'll get a tummyache.

11.) Start my own band

Again, I explained this, but I don't mind explaining it again. :) I'm a very creative person and for me, it is absolutely important to get as many of my creations recognized as I can. That includes, music of course. I've written eight songs since my sophomore year in high school and am writing four more this year. Right, I sing soprano and play piano or synth. But, eventually, I want to learn how to play the cello, harp, violin and flute for the band. I need to find band members, too. I need a rhythm guitarist, a lead guitarist, a drummer, a bassist and maybe some clean male vocals or male grunts. The band shall be called Bodice Ripper and it's style is symphonic opera metal. ^_^ I am thinking of going by the stage name "Savannah Starlight", but it sounds a bit scene-y weenie. :p LOL!

12.) Have lovely children with my hubby

As I have said before, I really want to be a wife and mother someday and of course, I don't feel my life would be complete if I wasn't. :) My fiancee and I have always kind of planned on having a love child. But, eventually we grew out of it and stayed together. It's long complicated story for another day.
Anyways, we have changed our minds from wanting one wanting four. xD I won't disclose what we want to have, or else our kids might read this one day and think that they are unwanteds if they don't come out as what we planned. >.>

13.) Wear a hot pink ape costume to my aunt's birthday

My aunt and I went to Vegas once and we saw this magic shop or something at the Palazzo. In the front of the store, there was a hot pink ape costume on display. xD I was so highly amused by it, that I told her that I HAD to use it during one of her birthdays one of these days. I think it will be quite an enjoyable birthday.

14.) Fly a kite while singing that song from Mary Poppins

Sure, this is one that I could knock off in an afternoon...if I knew how to make a kite. :p I think this is more of a childhood dream more than anything. I used to watch Mary Poppins a thousand times and my aunt loved the song in the end. But, I tried making a kite when I was a kid with my friend Jennifer. It didn't work out too well. >.> Ever since, I never really had the time or desire to do it. But, one of these days...a wind is gonna blow, some random paper, strings and sticks will be lying around and I will go fly a kite! LOL!

15.) Sell something on Venice Beach

If you have ever been to Venice Beach, then you kind of have an idea of the atmosphere there, right? On the boardwalk there are people who sell things like jewelry, art, clothes, etc. It's usually always the same people, too. But, I suppose one day they'll have room for someone new. If I get to sell something there once, I feel that I'll get a taste of the true Bohemian life. But the question is...what to sell? I'm thinking my fairy paintings. :p

16.) Watch Nightwish play live in Finland

Every Nightwish fan is into two things: Nightwish, of course and Finland. To watch them play their wonderful music LIVE in the holy land...would be a dream come true. *.*

17.) Meet all the members of Nightwish

It goes without saying that meeting all the members of Nightwish would be a Nightwish fan's dream come true! So many people I used to know from MySpace have met Nightwish! And I want to have my turn at doing so, too. :p But the question is, WHICH Nightwish members? For me, all the current ones will do. For anyone out there who is a fan of Nightwish, I am on Team Anette. ;) Sure, she doesn't have Tarja's powerful, operatic voice. She also doesn't have Tarja's powerful soprano attitude. xD So for me, I would like to meet Anette, Tuomas, Emppu, Marco and Jukka. I'd be happy if I could meet them. ^_^

18.) Travel to the following places:


As I've said before, Finland is the holy land of amazing METAL music. :) So much about that mysterious land intrigues me. I heard that they're the LEAST corrupt country in the world and the 6th happiest!


Aside from it being a romantic dream vacation spot for just about anyone (unless you're American or English...and even then!), I am also a person of French descent! :D Mais oui! One of the grandparents on my mother's side were French. I'm not sure who, but my uncle did the research on our family history. I trust him. :p


Again...aside from it being a dream vacation for most people, I am also a person of Italian descent. (I'm a mutt. :p) Don't know who, don't know when, but someone in my mother's family supposedly was. Besides, Italy has some amaaaaaaazing food!


This is also another one of my countries of descent. My mother and her family are from Brazil and you can assume that just about any white Brazilian has some Portuguese heritage. I don't know much about Portugal aside from Cristiano Ronaldo. Supposedly it's a "second-world" country and they like fishing and sailing a lot. :p But that's why I wanna go there! To learn some things. :)


Another one of my countries of descent. (I'm a lot of things, so this list will be quite long...) I am Mexican-American from my dad's side, so it goes without saying that I am also Spanish. Also, our family isn't the brown kinda Mexican. Were the pale kind of Mexicans. :p But, aside from heritage, Spain is also a pretty bad-ass place for tourism.


The people on my mom's maternal side of the family are of Jewish, Hebrew, whatever descent. It was a REALLY long time ago. Then, they moved to Portugal and took the name of the olive tree (as was the custom for some Jews back then) and made a new life for themselves. They're Sephardic Jews, I think they're called. Whether they came from present-day Israel or not, I don't know. But, Israel is pretty much the place that Jews or people of Hebrew heritage go to. :p


This country is last on the list of countries of origin for me. xD My mother recently found out that her paternal side of the family was of Croatian descent (totally explains the blonde hair and blue eyes in our family). I don't know much about Croatia. I remember watching them play in the World Cup once. :p But other than that...don't know much. Which is why I shall go to learn!


I've always kind of been fascinated with German culture. I tried learning it a couple of times and I still remember some of it. :p All I know is that it makes for a pretty good vacation spot. I love the cute architecture of the houses and above all...the devil's :D


I used to have Swiss friend once. I don't know what's going on with him lately. But he made me curious to visit Switzerland. :p Because it's a neutral country with chocolatey treats. (I totally got that from LOLcats. xD)


Although I've had some BAD experiences with PEOPLE from England (follow this blog and you'll hear about's juicy), I've always admired the country itself. The music, the literature, the weird TV shows in which you can't understand a THING that's going on. xD I'm an English major, so it might even be a good experience to see where the Angles, Saxons and Jutes lived. LOL! Besides, I'm totally curious to taste those decadent scones with clotted cream that they always talk about...and to hear Yorkshire acccents. xD


Honestly, what is there NOT to like about Ireland? :) My hubby is of Irish descent and I freakin' love him.♥ But Guiness is good, too. :) And I heard that the people there are SUPER friendly! Not something that Europeans usually are. :p He he.

-Vatican City

I used to be Catholic and I used to want to go to this place for reverence. But now...I want to go see evil at work. :p And maybe do a bit of blashpeming like Bill Maher did. HA!


Egypt is just an awesome place in general. :) There is so much history, art and architecture there that is so astounding! I think that almost anybody can appreciate ancient Egypt and all it's wonders. And yes, I realize that Egyptians of today are not like that anymore. But, it's still pretty cool. Pretty badass. :) I'll feel like a kid again, doing some treasure-hunting. Except this time, it'll be real.


Greece is another one of those places like Egypt that is full of amazing history and things you GOTTA see. Yes, I know that modern Greeks are also completely different from ancient Greeks. But, I don't doubt that the place is pretty badass. My favorite pantheon of Gods is the Greek pantheon. It would be cool to see where those Gods roam. :) Also, mediterranean food kicks ass.


The main reason of all that I wanna visit Romania is because my friend, Diana is from there. She always says that she'll come to the US and visit me, but I'd like to go there and visit her, too. Also, there is this wonderful book called Wildwood Dancing which is set in made me curious to visit, needless to say. :) Don't forget Transylvania, too!

-South Africa

I really wanna go to Africa one day. People think I'm weird for it, but I LOVE African culture. I love the music, the dance, the art, the culture, the's all pretty good! But, because of the stigma that that particular continent carries (child soldiers, civil wars, corruption, diseases, poverty and assassins, anyone?) people wanna avoid it altogether. Well, I look at the positive side. Africa is rich with culture and it is the origin of all humanity! But, there are so many countries to visit and so many of them are kind of...dangerous. So, it takes a while to scope out a good place worthy of visitation. I'm sure South Africa would do it for me. :p Besides, they held the World Cup, yo!


Yet another African country that I find is quite worthy of visitation (and hopefully a somewhat safe place to go?) I wanna go here mainly for the wildlife and of course, for Mt. Kilimanjaro. :)


It's probably the safest middleeastern type place to go (even tho it's in Northern Africa, not the Middleeast. xD) My parents went there and they were quite impressed. They got a lot of awesome souvenirs from there. I know I have to wear the face dress thing when I'm there, but I don't mind. :)


Another safe pseudo Middleeastern place to go. (It's actually in Eurasia. ;p) But, there's more to it to it than that, I'm sure. Whirling dervishes, Turkish delight...Istanbul, now it's Constantinople. xD LOL! (My 6th grade History teacher made us remember that with a song. "It was Istanbul, now it's Constantinople". LOL! I'm not sure WHAT it's called today. :p) Also, in the Wildwood Dancing sequel, Cybele's Secret, the story is set in Istanbul and made me curious to visit. :3


Okay, I KNOW this is a totally random-ass country to visit...I don't even know who they resemble (I wanna say it's a middleeastern type country?) but one thing drew me to visit it: The Temple of The Fire-Worshippers. It's a Zoroastrian temple, I think. I don't know much about Zoroastrianism, but something about that temple draws me to visit it (that is...IF women are allowed to enter. :p You know these kooky Semitic religions and their hatred for women.) Besides, it would be totally fun to say I visited this place. LOL! Can you imagine the blank stares I'd get?


What is there NOT to love about India? Child prostitution, poverty, corruption...okay, but besides THAT? The Hindu pantheon of Gods is quite amazing and the mythology is fascinating. The Taj Mahal--the ultimate construction of love--is something that almost everyone aspires to see. And don't forget that Sanksrit is the TRUE origin or our English language. ;) (Try researching it!) There's a lot of fascinating things in India. I would love to see as much as I can. :)


My friend Ann is from Thailand and since she's already been here, it would be cool to go over there and see her. Besides, I love the culture and the cuisine. ;)


Who honestly DOESN'T wanna go to Oz? My parents went there and they told me about a bunch of amazing things there. All the beautiful, unique wildlife and all the customs and art of the Aborigines. Also, I would get to step foot on yet another continent on our planet. ^_^


In all honesty, this kind of the only South American country that TRULY fascinates me besides Brazil. And I've already BEEN to Brazil. :p The history of the Incas and the ruins of Macchu Pichu especially peak my interest there. I've been there as a stop for a flight to Brazil, but I never left the airport. :/


No, I am NOT a wapanese. I DO like SOME anime and ONE manga. But I'm not so crazy about it that I WISH I was Japanese. I also like a lot of the subcultures there. ^_^ They're quite intriguing. Also, the things there are so friggin' cute and small! Just about everything in Japan is kinda cute, funny, unique, awesome, etc. The only thing I don't like there is the custom of dolphin-hunting. But, I'll be sure to kick EVERYONE's ass in Taiji when I go there. ;p Other than that, it's place full of rich history and culture and totally worth visiting.


I LOVE Scandinavian cultures! I may not be a weeaboo, but I AM a total Finntard (somebody who is retardedly obsessed with Finland). But, Norway is worth visiting for more than that. :) It's the place with the BEST quality of life, oddly enough. There are these things called "Arctic Pyramids" that look pretty interesting there. Plus, it's where Tokis is froms. ;3 (Yes, I lurve Metalocalypse.)


Again, I'm going because it's a Scandinavian place, but Sweden is probably the MOST famous of the Scandinavian countries. I'm sure there's a lively scene there. It's also where Skwisgaars is froms. :3


This is a pretty interesting Scandinavian place, too. (It think it's where Legos came from?)

-The Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is the center of life here on our lovely planet. There is so much beauty and wonder in this wild, free place. And there's plenty of adventure, too! ;D Also, since I'm kinda South American myself, it would be interesting to see that particular part of Brazil.


If it weren't for the amazing culture of this state, I wouldn't look twice at it! New Orleans, Mardi Gras...voodoo. ;D If there's any southern state I wouldn't mind visiting, it would be Lousiana!

-Ave Maria, Florida

I just need to see it for myself...I need to see if there is seriously and all-Catholic town in Florida called Ave Maria! xD Plus, the hubby is from Florida and he claims to be kinda Catholic, so I'm sure he'd enjoy the trip there, too.

19.) Live in New York

Since I was a kid, I've always wanted to go to New York! I just love all the night life and the broadway musicals there! I guess that's why the Yankees ended up being my favorite baseball team. ;) Back when I wanted to study to be a nurse, I really wanted to go to a school in Buffalo, but a 6'3" hazel-eyed drunken little angel of mine changed my mind. :3 I still wanna live there someday!

20.) Try authentic Aztec hot chocolate from Chiapas, Mexico

Back when I took Chicano history, my (super white) teacher told us about this heavenly concoction that was made of a rich combination of cacao, cinnamon and chile. And he said that Chiapas had the best of it. Ever since that day, my mouth waters every time someone mentions Aztec hot chocolate! But it's a seasonal drink and whenever I go to the stand to buy it, they run out. :( But one day for sure, I'll taste it. :9

21.) Try that Golden Opulence sundae

Believe it or not, there's a restaurant in New York that sells a $1000 sundae! The ingredients of the sundae are super rare and/or expensive and you have to call 48 hours in advance before you order it! It consists of five scoops of Tahitian vanilla ice cream infused with vanilla beans from Madagascar. Then, it is covered in plenty of 24-karat edible gold leaf. It is drizzled with an expensive chocolate syrup called Amedei Porcelana and sprinkled liberally with rare Venezuelan Chuao chocolates, Parisian candied fruits, gold-covered almonds and marzipan likenesses of Rainier cherries. To top it all off, there is a tiny glass bowl filled with an mango-colored dessert caviar called Grand Passion Caviar, infused with orange, passionfruit and Armangac. And then, there's a gilded sugar flower by Ron Ben Israel (a famous cake artsist). It is all served in a Baccarat crystal goblet which you get to keep and a golden spoon, which you don't. I know it seems crazy, but I have to have something on here that's about indulgence. :)

22.) Learn massage therapy

Aside from the fact that I'm very much into holistic medicine and treatments, I wanted to be a massage therapist once. But, my mother stopped me and said that her and my dad weren't gonna pay for me to go to school unless I go to "real" school. Sure, she stopped me from living a simple life. But, maybe that simple life is all I wanted? Bah, it's too late now. Now I have too many ideas that I wanna get out there. But, just to be vindictive and shove it in her face and show her that I can do whatever the fuck I want...I'm going for that degree in massage therapy someday. :)

23.) Dye all my hair turquoise for a while

There are some people who have made turquoise hair look pretty good...Raquel Reed...Sailor Neptune...okay, that's all I know. :/ But they make their turquoise hair look AMAZING. :) It looks so pretty mystical, like a mermaid! I'm not doing it now, because my hair is an absolute wreck and I need it to be healthy and shiny and LONG in about two years in a half, when I'll be having my wedding.

24.) Get the following body modifications:

-Both traguses

I just think that traguses look pretty cool. (Traguses, by the way, are the flaps outside of your ear that come before the earhole...I don't really know how to explain it. :/)

-A couple of helixes in the left ear

The helix is the big cartilage part of your ear...I'm lazy to explain. :p But having two of them in succession would really give it that rocker look.

-An industrial in the right ear

An industrial piercing is essentially two piercings in the outer cartilage of the ear that are connected by one bar. It looks pretty badass if you've ever seen it and I've wanted one since I was a sophomore and I saw a girl in China wearing it! :D (I took a trip to China with my parents that Christmas.) I imagine it's a bit difficult to deal with sometimes, but I don't mind. ;)

-Left nostril

There is something oddly mystical about nose piercings...maybe because Hindu women give it that effect. :p It looks pretty darn cute, too.

-Microdermal under the right eye

A microdermal is a little stud that gets screwed onto a little contraption put under your epidermis. It looks painful to some, but super cool to others. The husband is protesting it, but I think it would look cute and kind of fairy-ish. :3

-A tattoo

I want it on the middle of my back, so it can be discreet as possible. I want a blue rose surrounded by a Celtic know design in dark green ink saying "Gra Anois Agus Go Deo" in Irish lettering. The blue rose is a Japanese symbol of an eternal love which was nearly impossible to gain. The Celtic knots symbolize unity and eternity. And Gra Anois Agus Go Deo means "Love now and forever" in Gaelic. I'm getting it after the wedding as an homage to Sean, my hubby. :)

25.) Read the top 100 books of all time

I'm a total bookworm. A bibliophile, I say! There is a reason why the top 100 books of all time are the top 100 books of all time. It's because they have something to contribute and have broken some kind of barrier. Can you imagine the enrichment one can gain through reading them all? Sure, there are a lot of petty indulgences we feel must be experience before we pass on. But, for me personally, there's gotta be a bit more to it than that. ;)

26.) Watch Sean pick up a midget

Sean always says that he wants to pick up a midget or dress him as a leprechaun and chase him around. And everytime he says it, I get the funniest image in my head...mainly of the midget turning on him and being short enough to punch him in the nuts! xD Nooooo, I'm kidding my love. Now, I'm gonna hold him to his word and make him do it! He had the chance to pick up a little guy dressed like that Chucky doll in Venice Beach, but he was too scared to take it. xD By the way, I'm sorry if I've insulted any dwarves. :/ I seriously am. Obviously, it'll be consensual and we'll choose a migdet who doesn't mind. (Wow, that sounded wrong. xD)

27.) Learn archery

Archery is such a badass sport. Diana/Artemis does it and makes it look so cool! Also, I think that it's part of Confucious' list of things that make a person well-rounded (RAMWAR: Reading, Art, Music, Writing, Archery and Writing), but for some reason, that never shows up no matter where I search for it. >.> I wonder if it's my own imagination? Either way, it would be awesome if I could be a chick who knows how to work a longbow. :)

28.) Learn to bellydance

Bellydancing is such an exotic, sensual art. I love a lot of things about middleeastern culture, even if my country doesn't. And bellydance is certainly one of them. :) I'm sure my hubby will love it, too.

29.) Have a house full of pets

I LOVE animals and I LOVE kids, so I want a house full of them! I don't know what it is, but I love having wonderful little creatures to nurture and take care of. :) Some of the pets I would like to include would be:

-A box full of kittens

Can you imagine how cute that would be!? :D I adore cats. Aside from being cuddly and fluffy and cute, they're just such marvelous creatures. There's such a deep connection with them and they know a bit of magic of their own. ;) I'm sure that Lioness would appreciate the company, since I spayed her and never gave her the chance to have her own kittens. :(

-A Siberian husky

I LOVE Siberian huskies! They're the most gorgeous dogs in the world and to me, the most mystical. They're practically the closest descendents of the majestic wolves. My mother was always terrified of big dogs and never let me have one in the house, so I'll have a chance finally when I get my own house. :)

-A couple of bunnies

It goes without saying that Savvy Bunny must have some bunnies. :3 They're so adorable and sweet, anyways! And a powerful symbol of fertility.

-A couple of ferrets

Sadly, I live in California where it is illegal to keep ferrets as pets. :( So, I'll have to wait till we move to Virginia to get them. I just think that they're so freakin' adorable! :3

-Some turtles

I wanna get some of those really small turtles that live in the water. I just think that they're so cute! :3 My childhood friend, Shayna had one and he was so tiny! Plus, I'm sure it would please the hubby, as well. He likes turtles, too.

-Parakeets of each color

As short-lived as they may be, 'keets are such a joy to have. ^_^ I want a whole rainbow of them in my house!

-One of those green parrots

I see a lot of them whenever I go to Brazil. (They're wild there! You'll see them feeding on the fruits of some trees out in the street!) They're such personable creatures and they can learn to talk, too. ^_^ I suppose I wouldn't be very Brazilian if I didn't have my own parrot. he he.

-An octopus

Yes, you read right! I want my own octopus! :3 And no, it wasn't Paul the Octopus who made me want to get one. (Tho he strengthened my reasons for wanting one. xD) It was actually Cthulhu who made me want my own little cephalopod. (Yeah, I'm one of those crazy Cthulhu fans! xD) But octopi are such intelligent creatures. They constantly need mental stimulation and have even been known to escape their tanks if they don't get it! Socrates once said that the octopus is the stupidest creature in existence. Well...that shows how much HE knew. :)

-A marmoset?

If it's even LEGAL for me to own one of those I might. :) If you don't know, marmosets are itty bitty little South American monkeys that can fit in the palm of your hand. They're so cute! ^.^ I fed them bananas once when I was in Brazil.

30.) Watch the World Cup live

Ideally, I want to watch the World Cup in 2014 when it will be in Brazil. :) (That's my team, yo!) But, any chance that I get to watch it LIVE will be glorious. *.* I LOVE the World Cup! There is something practically spiritual about it. Moreso than any other sporting event I know. And I'll be certain to bring my big, yellow vuvuzela when I go! :D

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Introduction Blog

Hello, everyone and welcome!
I've switched social networking sites a million times, but I think this time, I'll actually do it for reals. Have you seen the crappy new getup that MySpace came up with recently? It's horrid! Not in the least bit user-friendly anymore! Everything about it is all topsy-turvy!
But, the final straw came when they 1.) took away the design I made for my blog and made it plain-looking and 2.) took away the privacy settings. So, now, here I am!
But, I know you probably want to know who I am. :) For anyone who knows me already, you can skip this if you want. But for anyone new, you're welcome to read, subscribe, comment or whatever you want. :p
My name is Savannah Kirsten Salazar. I was born on January 15, 1989 in Hollywood, California (tho in all honesty, I'm a small-town kinda girl at heart) and raised in an upper middle class neighborhood in Rancho Cucamonga, California. I am American, Brazilian, Mexican, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Jewish and Croatian. My first language is Portuguese, but I can also speak English and Spanish. I am 5'2" and kind of curvy. Very pale-skinned, but am able to tan in the summer. I have long, black hair and dark brown eyes. I have both my ears pierced once and a monroe on the right side of my face.
I am currently an unemployed college student. I go to the University of La Verne and I major in English and minor in Music. I worked for about two years in my dad's law firm as a legal assistant and for two months as an independent sales representative for Avon. That's about all the actual work experience I have. ;p
I want to be a lot of things in my life. I know that I can't realistically fullfill them all, but I sure as heck will try! I want to be a writer. Both a novelist and a screenwriter. I want to be the singer and piano-player/synth-player of my own band. (I also want to play flute, violin, cello and harp, but I have to learn how to first. xD) I want to call my band "Bodice Ripper". It will be a symphonic opera metal band and I will sing soprano for it. I already have written eight songs. Now, I just have to find fellow band members (rhythm guitarist, lead guitarist, drummer, bassist, clean male vocals and male grunts) for it. :) I want to own my own Latin American-themed coffee shop called "Parapayo". It will have coffees from all Latin American countries, tropical drinks, special Latin American desserts, healthy soups and salads and seasonal treats as well. I will hold art galleries, open mic nights and concerts for independent artists and sell my own handmade soaps, candles and chocolates there. The walls will be painted colorfully and full of positive quotes. :)
As I said, I'm not sure I'll be able to do all these things for sure, but I will try. ^_^ Besides, life is all about making it as big (or as small) as you want to make it!
But besides career goals and artistic goals and whatnot, I also want to help people. I want to help many charities and causes with my talents. I might even want to open a school. ;) Because in all honesty, who else do we have besides each other? That's why I believe in helping out our fellow human brothers and sisters in need.
I also want to be a wife and a mother someday. I am currently engaged to the BEST man in the whole wide world. :) His name is Mr. Sean Brangan and he is everything a girl could ever want. <3>Blood+ soundtrack
7.) Band: Nightwish
8.) Type of music: METAL
9.) TV Show: Sailor Moon
10.) Movie: Enchanted (don't judge me!)
11.) Season: Summer
12.) Holiday: ALL holidays! :D
13.) Animal: Tiger
14.) Food: Cannolis
15.) Drink: Guarana (a Brazilian soda that somewhat resembles the taste of Monster Energy)
16.) Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie dough
17.) Candy: Raffaello Rocher
18.) Flower: Rose
19.) Book: The Crimson Petal and The White
20.) Subject in school: English

If you wanna find out about OTHER favorites look at ze profile in the side bar. ;p Other stuff about me...
I really don't know how to describe my style anymore. It used to be a kind of girly goth hippie style, but now it's just...bleh. I don't have the time to worry about my looks so much anymore. I do, however, like avant garde styles and whenever I have the time I'll try to be unique again. If I could list about ten good qualities about me, I'd say that I'm creative, open-minded, ambiverted (I'm not the life of the party, but I still show up to the party), compassionate, innovative, romantic, somewhat traditional, mostly friendly, courageous and intelligent. Negative things about me would be that I'm melancholy, pessimistic, neurotic, unforgiving, stubborn, wrathful, sarcastic, somewhat anti-social, weak-willed and I contradict myself all the time!
So, that's the stuff about me. There's more to come if you subscribe. :)
Just know that I will use this blog to voice a lot of my opinions. I welcome an argument, but please make it intelligent, because I will not have a battle of wits with anyone who is unarmed. xD Also, I might not really feel like arguing, so I might just ignore you if you bother me for no good reason. :p Other than that, I hope I have not scared anyone away.

Happy reading!
